Uni-Fy at a Glance
Uni-Fy is a Wireless LAN and HotSpot management system based on the
general idea of captive portal, with distributed authentication,
security, firewalling, and similar capabilities. It smoothly interfaces
with DHCP management, NAT/firewalling and CAPWAP features. External VPN access can be
supported if needed and multiple parallel authentication data bases are
natively supported. The high-level networking "philosophy" followed by
Uni-Fy is the Open Access Network view, as described, for instance, in[3,4].
SIP authentication procedure is also possible from Unify-20070601, allowing devices without
Internet javascript-enabled browser or multi-windows capable devices (e.g. PDA) to access Interner services.
Indeed, Uni-Fy use is not limited to WLAN management, but can be useful
for the management of any access infrastructure (also cabled), where
user authentication and accounting is of any importance, and users change
dynamically over time, specially if they use their own terminal.
Project Objectives
Uni-Fy was born within the Wilma project and is now developed and
maintained under the same project as well as the under the MIUR TWELVE
PRIN project
(http://twelve.unitn.it )
and the MIUR QUASAR (Qualit?
e Controllabilit? dei Servizi di Comunicazione su Reti Eterogenee) PRIN project.
The goal of Uni-Fy is the feasibility demonstration of flexible and secure
management within WLAN and public HotSpot in particular, without the
need to resort to proprietary implementation, exceedingly complex
procedures or mandatory installation on mobile clients of ad-hoc
The general framework of Uni-Fy is that of an open
test-bed, where innovative algorithms and procedures can
be implemented and tested safely within an open source architecture.
Within the WILMA project, Uni-Fy serves as a common framework for
the management of different WLANs realized either at the University or
around the city and province of Trento.
Use and Misuse
Uni-Fy is an authentication and management tool conceived
for open use and to make the use of a WLAN/HotSpot as easy and
open as possible. It has not been conceived for the protection
(cryptography) of user's information, nor for access to
extremely sensitive data.
Its use is recommended in scenarios where "openness" is the main
issue, in scenarios where multiple users categories can be present,
including "guests," who the WLAN manager wants to grant limited
access even without strong authentication. It can be safely used
in public places and where public access to the Internet is granted.
It is extremely suited for the management of infrastructures used
by different organizations in different times (e.g., conference halls,
offices with high turn-around), since it natively interfaces with
different authentication data-bases, that can be enabled at
different times. It can also be efficiently used to monitor the usage of
WLAN resources and identify (simple) attacks on the infrastructure.
It can be misused in several different ways. First of all
it does not provide user-level data protection. This is
conveniently obtained using standard SSH protocols and/or
application level cryptography, and its replica within
the WLAN management infrastructure is redundant.
The second possible misuse is for strong protection in
the access to sensitive data. The security offered by Uni-Fy
is the same offered by the authentication data-bases (LDAP, MYSQL,
or whatever else) that are contacted by Uni-Fy to grant access.
For this reason the level of security and protection cannot be
stronger than what provided by the underlying authentication data-bases.
Indeed, one might argue that, since an additional intermediation is
present, the security level is at most equal, but possibly slightly
Companion Documents
This document is intended as a high level, not-too-technical
description of the Uni-Fy system and philosophy.
Additional and more technical information can be found
in the following documents, that are intended more for the
developer that wish to include his own plug-ins, algorithms,
procedures, etc. or for a system administrator that wish to
install the Uni-Fy to manage the access to a HotSpot or
WLAN in general.
This is the high-level detailed documentation of the Uni-Fy system,
with all its blocks, detailed installation instructions,
some troubleshooting, sample configurations, etc.
It is updated often as the project develops. You can download it
directly from the Uni-Fy software page
(http://twelve.dit.unitn.it/tools.html )
(old version)
or from Networking RL from DIT - University of Trento
(http://networking.dit.unitn.it/tool.html )
This document refers to code Version 1.2(Version UniFy-20070727); the relative documentation
is freezed in [1].
This programmers'
reference guide is dedicated to developers that want to
improve, integrate, or amend Uni-Fy. It is automatically generated
from the code documentation through the Doxigen
(http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/ )
documentation system, and it is always up-to-date with the code.
It can be downloaded together with the code from the Uni-Fy software page
(http://networking.dit.unitn.it/tool.html )
either downloading the most recent stable version.
Features and Characteristics
The Uni-Fy system implements a wireless open access network gateway.
Its main features are:
- Support for multiple external authentication providers;
- Extensible support for several authentication techniques;
- Firewalling;
- Accounting.
Its modular design is intended for easy implementation of novel features such
as QoS control, context-dependent services and traffic shaping and modeling.
The system is fully implemented in C++ as a collection of user-space applications.
Linux was chosen as operating system, but portability to other operating systems,
in particular Windows, is one of the main criteria in development; however,
linux-specific optimizations, such as the implementation as kernel-space modules,
are being considered.
Network Configuration under Uni-Fy
Figure 1:
An overall view of the Uni-Fy system.
Figure 1 shows an overall view of the proposed network
- The blocks "AP" denote wireless access points.
- The Gateway component is basically a layer-3 switch with some
additional ad-hoc functionalities (however, a configurable router
or a firewall with enough flexibility should be applicable):
it checks packets that are directed from and to authorized clients and
puts them into the right interface.
- The Gatekeeper component receives unauthorized packets from the Gateway:
packets are subjected to precessing and are used to trigger
events such as an authentication procedure. The authentication procedure will
involve the client, the Gateway (for packet forwarding),
the Gatekeeper and an authentication provider, possibly chosen among many. The
role of every component and the type of interaction
depend on the authentication mechanism, and shall be discussed later.
For sake of clarity, connections among components are shown as separate
wires in Figure 1. However, many logical connections can
be shared by separate virtual LANs on the same
wire; the Gateway and Gatekeeper components can even reside in the same machine.
If the AP supports an evolute operating system, the
whole solution could be collapsed into a single piece of hardware:
however, high performance requirements may force
physical separation of the components.
The Gateway component bridges the wireless LAN and the other side, which may
be a corporate LAN, a WAN, a point-to-point
line with several network components in it. Non-interference with other
network components is an important requirement.
Functional Architecture
Figure 2:
Block diagram of the Uni-Fy system
Figure 2 shows the basic block structure of the Uni-Fy system. It consists of two main blocks, the Gateway and the Gatekeeper;
their detailed description follows.
The Gateway machine contains various network interfaces, some of which are
directed to the wireless LAN, some to the wired LAN. Packets to and from the interfaces
are managed by the router module.
The router module identifies
packet sources and destinations according to their Ethernet MAC address
and their IP address. Correspondence between MAC and IP addresses
for authorized clients is stored in the client list, accessed
by the router via a read-only interface.
The router takes decisions on packets based on the client authorization status,
as explained above, and on the
packet protocol (at network and transport level); rules governing the router's behavior
are stored in the Rule Table, created at startup and
accessed by the Router via a read-only interface.
In addition to the physical LAN interfaces, the router can also send and receive
packets via a UDP port connected to the Gatekeeper. In principle, all unauthorized packets
are sent to the Gatekeeper for further processing, while all packets received
from the Gatekeeper are forwarded to the appropriate interface, with no interference from the
Gateway rules.
Rules and authorization tables are kept as simple as possible in
order to avoid
any bottleneck and to simplify implementation on diskless dedicated
hardware with a limited amount
of computational power.
The client list is updated via a "command" interface, which receives
simple textual commands from the Gatekeeper.
The Gatekeeper component performs all tasks that require more processing than
just looking at frame and packet headers.
It basically receives all non-authorized packets from the Gateway through the
"tunnel" shown in Figure 2. This tunnel is possibly
implemented as a pair of UDP sockets. In case of Uni-Fy implementation
within a single machine, a bidirectional IPC channel
could be considered. Packets are processed with the aim of authenticating
the user, and eventually sent back to the Gateway to be forwarded, or bounced.
The main functions of the Gatekeeper are:
- Client status maintenance; the Gatekeeper's status table is essentially
a superset of the Gateway client list.
- DHCP management.
- Client authentication and authorization.
The Gatekeeper acts according to the packets received from the Gateway component,
updates its status
table and issues commands back to the Gateway component. Commands are of the
following form:
- Send a packet through a specified interface;
- Authorize client identified by MAC/IP pair;
- Revoke authorization to a given client.
In addition to the Gateway tunnel, Gatekeeper functionalities can be controlled via
two TCP sockets, one devoted to client authorization functions, the other to
status reporting.
The Providers List contains a list of authorized authentication providers that, at the moment,
can be an HTTP authenticator, the native one, or a SIP one.
Each provider is associated to a name, an IP address, and some data
about the identification process. This list is used to recognize the IP
address that can be reached by not-authenticated user: the users have
not an authorization must be allowed to contact the authentication
provider to receive permissions..
The plug-in modules are used by the Dispatcher module in order to take
decisions about specific protocols. They all expose a public method
which is invoked by the Dispatcher in order to submit a packet; this function
returns a response packet, if needed,
and some indication about the subsequent action (e.g., send back the original packet to the Gateway for forwarding,
send a new packet). If necessary, the plug-in modules can access and modify the status table.
The DHCP plug-in module manages the DHCP service in the wireless LAN. When the Dispatcher
receives a DHCP packet, it submits it to the DHCP module. To decide the appropriate action,
the DHCP module can access the authorization list, where the status of every IP address
is stored.
The DHCP Realy plug-in module acts as a Relay Agent for DHCP transactions.
This module can be used instead of DHCP plug-in module.
When the Dispatcher
receives a DHCP packet, it submits it to the DHCP Relay module. This module forwards the
packet to DHCP server in the external LAN to obtain an IP address for the client.
DHCP Realy module interacts with the authorization list to update users' status.
The HTTP handles direct HTTP connection requests that
bypass the Proxy server. Direct HTTP connections might be issued in case the client has
disabled the proxy service.
The HTTP module forges an entire connection session (setup handshake, HTTP GET/response and
shutdown handshake) by spoofing the requested web server. Its fixed response to any client
request is a redirection toward a predetermined page, usually
containing instructions to correctly set the proxy server in the client system.
The proxy module monitors communications between the unauthorized wireless clients and the proxy server of the
fixed network. It is usually transparent, and it only acts when a client that is not authorized
requests a web page which does not belong to an authentication provider. In this case, the Proxy module
generates an HTTP 302 response that redirects the client to an authentication page. Moreover,
the necessary FIN packets are forged in order to shut down the proxy communication and force the client
to set it up again (otherwise sequence numbers would not match anymore).
CAPWAP module provide to Uni-Fy system Radio Resource Management (RRM) functionalities. CAPWAP module are able to manage specific radio's parameters
(such as transmission power or channel of APs that makes WLAN) in a dynamic, centralized and automatic way. This plug-in can assign, discover and
update specific AP configuration.
In order to use the plug-in in a suitable manner, APs involved must be able to supports OpenWRT firmware.
This plug-in allows the authentication of SIP-enabled phone through the standard SIP authentication procedure,
without the using of javascript-enabled browser or multi-windows capable devices (e.g. PDA).
The plug-in supports two different modalities for authentication:
- Passive The plug-in extracts useful information from SIP messages passing through it, checking if the source/destination
of the message is trusted (so letting pass the message) and if successful registrations/deregistrations occurs.
In such case, it then sets properly the status of the users in the status table. It is important to note that no modification are
needed on the SIP server side, letting it act with the standard behaviour.
- Active The plug-in checks only if the source/destination of the message is trusted (it is
present in the Gatekeeper configuration file) and in this case let the message arrive to its destination. The complexity
of authorizing users is instead moved into SIP servers, which requires to be modified in order to be able to create
connections with the Authenticator module of Uni-Fy and send it proper messages (see section 2.8)
The "captive portal" technique
When the client obtains an IP address, it still cannot browse the web.
When the browser is pointed to some URL, it will first perform a DNS query,
to which the Gateway is transparent (second shadowed strip of Figure 4).
The DNS query will concern either the domain name of the requested website
or, if the Proxy server has been correctly set, the proxy IP.
This technique is generally known as captive portal, and NoCat[2] is
probably the best known open source implementation.
After getting the correct DNS response, the browser opens a connection to the
proxy server; after the connection is open (not all the handshake is
drawn in the diagram), an HTTP GET request is issued toward the proxy server
(time label A). The packet containing the GET request is intercepted by
the Gatekeeper at time label B, which forges a response packet by pretending to be the
proxy server. The response contains an HTTP 302 code which redirects the client
to an authentication page. Moreover, the packet has the FIN flag set, so that the client
browser closes its connection to the proxy server. A FIN packet is also forget and
is set to the proxy server on behalf of the client. As a result, at time label C
the connection is closed and the client is redirected to the authentication provider's
page. Closing the connection is necessary, because after forging the redirect response
sequence numbers at the client and at the proxy endpoints would not correspond.
Thus, the authentication process starts with the client issuing a new web proxy connection.
The next GET request (actually a CONNECT request to a secure server, time label D)
is directed to the Authentication Server's
login page, so it is admitted by the Gatekeeper. After getting the page, the user fills
it in and (time label E) posts the login data to a PHP authentication script
in the Authentication Server, which
(at time label F) checks the user's login credentials (password or certificate)
and, upon approval, contacts the Gatekeeper's authentication module and sends an authorization
command. The Gatekeeper updates its own status table, sends an authorization command to the Gateway,
unblocking the user's packets, and a response to the Authentication Server. The Authentication Server, in turn, sends a success
page to the client, and the client is free to navigate the web (its connection
to the net is no longer tunneled to the Gatekeeper).
The client authorization must be periodically refreshed in order to
avoid IP/MAC spoofing by unauthorized users.
The Authentication Server's "success" page contains javascript commands that open a pop-up
browser window displaying a secure page that is periodically reloaded,
each time passing a new shared random alphanumeric string, called "token".
The first token is created by the Gatekeeper upon DHCP request, and passed to the client
when redirected to the Authentication Server. When the Authentication Server confirms
the user's authorization, he sends in the user's token, which is checked against
the stored value. A new value is generated and sent to the client's pop-up page,
and will be requested at the first renewal. A new token is generated at every renewal.
Another authentication procedure: SIP
When the client obtains an IP address, it still cannot browse access Internet
services as explained before. Till the introduction of SIP authentication
procedure, clients were able to gain access to Internet only through the usual HTTP
authentication, that explained in section 2.5.
This procedure seems quite simple but is not so trivial when devices with Wi-Fi
capabilities have limited browser-capabilities or, more worse, has no graphical
display at all. This is the case of next-generation phones, equipped with 802.11
interfaces but with limited display resolution and capabilities.
With the introduction of the SIP authentication procedure, a SIP-enabled phone
can gain access to Internet services only switching it on, without the need of
a pop-up window always open.
Once a SIP phone (or softphone) has been properly configured, first of all
it associates with the configured WLAN, then it looks for a valid IP address, and
then sends a REGISTER message to the SIP server.
Uni-Fy knows that all connections on port 5060 are SIP session so, being the client
not yet authorized, it will forward the SIP message to the Gatekeeper who will ensure
that the source/destination address are trusted. If the message pass trough the
Gatekeeper it then arrives to the SIP server, who will start a challenge-response with
the user sending back a 401 Unauthorized. Once the response of the user is
received, the SIP server checks user's credentials contained in the REGISTER
message and, in case of success, responds to the user with a 200 OK.
Without taking into account the intermediary role of the Uni-Fy a SIP
authentication procedure could be summarized with two transactions, as
outlined in figure 3(a) and 3(b).
Figure 3:
Typical Authentication interactions
[Transaction 1] ![\includegraphics[width=0.43\textwidth]{images/sipauth}](files/unify/overview/img5.png) [Transaction 2] |
Moreover, if the SIP server is an ACTIVE one, it must also create a tell the
Authenticator to authorize the user. If instead, the SIP server is a PASSIVE one,
then is the Gatekeeper who will take care of moving the user to the AUTHORIZED status.
Now, the user is able to access Internet services. After on, it will only perform
periodically a refresh of that authorization.
Security and Privacy
No cryptography is foreseen by Uni-Fy on the air channel, since
this would imply that any user must have some kind or pre-set
knowledge about the network before accessing it.
Privacy is normally provided by the use of secure shell level.
The integration of 802.1x techniques is left for future study, when
this standard will be readily available.
The authentication module is built upon the regular TCP/IP stack. It listens to the TCP
port 54273 on the wired interface. It is contacted by an authorized HTTP or SIP authentication server,
and accepts authentication of users.
It has the ultimate responsibility of moving a client to the AUTHORIZED status,
granting to it full access to the network, and to revoke it upon explicit logout or when
the authorization period expires with no renewal.
It obeys four textual commands, logically partitioned into two groups: two commands are used by HTTP authentication servers and
other two are used by SIP ones.
Note that the authentication commands provides additional information for logging, i.e. the name and email of the authenticated
user and a token that has been during the DHCP process and sent to the client in the early authentication phase.
In a general architecture with a Uni-Fy system, a client must have a valid IP address and an authorization to use Internet services. To obtain the
authorization, the client must contact his own Authentication Server and send the requested information about his own identity. If the Authentication Server recognizes the user's
rights, it contacts the Uni-Fy to inform it that the client can access the Internet services.
When the client sends information to the Authentication Server it is not yet authorized by Uni-Fyfor general remote accesses to Internet, so the Uni-Fy needs proper policy to allow
the forwarding of authentication-related packets.
Figure 4:
Simplified timing diagram from client appearance to full authentication
The authentication of a user can be obtained using a web-browser based solution (e.g. captive portal) or a SIP based one.
The latter is developed to support authentication od users using devices that does not support web browsing or graphical
interfaces (as basic SIP wireless phone).
A somewhat simplified timing diagram for the "captive portal" authentication
procedure is depicted in figure 4, while a simplified SIP authentication scheme is represented
in figures 3(a) and 3(b).
When the user turns on the networking interface, the first packets that the client
sends are related to dynamic configuration (DHCP) to request an IP address.
All DHCP-related packets are tunneled to the Gatekeeper, even if the requesting client
is already authenticated (e.g., an IP renewal is taking place).
The Gatekeeper, operating as a DHCP server, decides the IP address to assign, whether
to renew it or not, the duration of the IP lease.
Joining the Uni-Fy Test-Bed
Uni-Fy is an open project, and welcomes everybody who
wants to join the experimentation. Uni-Fy can be joined in two different ways:
- Using it `as is' for safe and secure management of WLANs and HotSpots,
without the need for cumbersome client configuration and avoiding
- Improving it and including additional feature for research purposes.
Its nature of open test bed for the experimentation
of novel procedures and algorithms, makes it an ideal trial
tool for many purposes, e.g., open implementations of
802.1X for WLANs with per-port/connection wireless channel cryptography.
WilmaGate software is distributed under a Free Software licence to be
accepted before downloading the code.
Getting Uni-Fy
Uni-Fy is free and Open Source; however, we ask users to fulfill
some administrative formalities, and to report us any anomaly,
bug found, modifications and additions to the code.
Please notice that this is a research project and not a commercial operation,
thus assistance should be sought only when any other possibility has been explored
(in particular all available documentation read and studied) and will be issue
on a best-effort policy.
Download and Installation
The source code is available via web pages of NETWORKING RL Group
(http://networking.dit.unitn.it/tool.html ). Download is password protected.
The password can be requested with an online form in the same page of download.
Please contact
to get additional information.
After performing the source download, all necessary code is contained in the wilmaproject/gateway
subfolder, which shall be referred to as the "root" directory of the program. The root directory
contains the following items:
Common/ contains source code which is used both by the Gateway and by the Gatekeeper programs;
Gateway/ contains the Gatewayspecific source code;
GateKeeper/ contains the Gatekeeperspecific source code;
parameters/ contains the runtime configuration files for the two programs;
web.TEMPLATE/ contains web page templates and code for provider choice, for authentication and for system interrogation;
specs/ contains system documentation and specifications (and this document itself);
Makefile is the overall makefile for the whole project;
Doxyfile is the Doxygen configuration file for automatic API documentation;
- Some
restart scripts to automate the execution of the programs.
The system has been tested on Linux (Redhat 9 and Debian distributions) and Cygwin machines.
The following packages must be installed:
- GNU C++ compiler (others have not been tested);
- Standard libraries.
On Linux systems:
- glibc (no particular requirements about version, probably also libc5 is good, please send us feedback);
- libpthread (for POSIX threads, it should be present by default);
- libpcap version 0.7 or greater (for layer 2 packet capture, also present by default on many systems).
Note that versions 0.6 and below miss some key functionalities.
On Cygwin systems:
If all requirements are satisfied, compilation is simply achieved by tiping make at the root directory.
No errors or warnings should appear: please notify us of any compiler warning at the contact address provided above.
Compilation of the full documentation (this manual and API description) requires LaTeX and the Doxygen documentation system.
The latter can be found at
RPMs and other distributions are probably included in OS installation CDs. The Cygwin version can be selected
in the standard Setup program. To generate documentation, type
make doc
from the home directory. The doc directory shall be generated with both HTML and LaTeX contents, while the present
document will be created in the specs directory.
Figure 5:
Reference for configuration
Next, the system must be configured. Here you can find a brief
description how to set the parameters for the system, for an in depth
description you can refer to [1].
The Figure 5 shows a configuration with two
different machines for Gatekeeper and Gatekeeper, and each interface has a different
name. In most systems, some of these interface correspond to the same
physical device, when for instance the two components reside on the
same machine.
The configuration of the system is composed by two file in the
parameters directory. Usually you have two files with the same
name and different extension: one .gw and the other .gk .
Obviously the first is the configuration file for the Gateway, wile the
second is the configuration file for the Gatekeeper.
The file with .gw extension is the configuration file for the
Gateway and contains information about:
- the description of physical interfaces and their IP addresses
toward the inner network (the network that is managed by the Uni-Fy);
- the description of physical interfaces and their IP addresses
toward the outer network (the external network);
- the description of physical interfaces and their IP addresses
toward the Gatekeeper;
- the external network parameters: for instance, IP addresses of
proxy, HTTP and DNS servers;
- SIP routing policy;
- the runtime mode: the system can run as daemon and you can specify
the name and position of log file.
The file with .gk extension is the configuration file for the
Gatekeeper and contains information about:
- the description of physical interfaces and their IP addresses
toward external network and Gateway;
- the DHCP server or DHCP Relay use. After choise you can set proper parameters:
e.g. the pool of IP addresses you want to use and the lease times, if you use DHCP biult-in server or
port and interface configuration if you use DHCP Realy agent;
- the DNS server of the network;
- the captive portal method: redirection URL, redirection URL when
no proxy is set, proxy configuration file URL, and authorization renewal
- the URL of HTTP authentication providers;
- parameter to configure SIP plug-in and SIP authentication providers;
- parameters to configure CAPWAP plug-in;
- the runtime mode: the system can run as daemon and you can specify
the name and position of log file;
- list of pre-authenticated users (recognized by their MAC addresses): list of users that can access to
remote resource without authentication requests.
Web server configuration
The "captive portal" authentication method requires the presence of one or more web servers,
that must be accessible via the proxy server.
The web server must be configured so that an alias is hooked to the web subdirectory
of the system. Three directories are contained in web :
local contains all pages related to the first access of an unauthorized user:
instructions about setting the proxy, choice of the authentication provider.
auth contains all pages related to authentication and authorization renewal.
status contains all pages that can be used to show the system status.
The access server can be located in the Gateway or in the Gatekeeper machine
and it must expose the local directory.
If the automatic proxy configuration feature is activated, it is important to expose the local
directory via the wireless interface of the gateway. In this case, the file with proxy parameters must be
configured correctly.
The authentication provider must expose the subdirectory web/auth via a secure connection (https).
An authentication provider must contain some user authentication data. These can be provided by a
RADIUS or LDAP service, by a MySQL database or in an internal table, or by any combination of such services.
For instance, a centralized LDAP service can provide authentication for all regular users, while
some temporary users can be managed by a MySQL table in a local machine.
Description of available services is provided in the config/config.inc.php , that must be configured according
to the chosen authentication system.
Enabling SIP based authentication method requires the presence of one or more SIP
registrar/location servers, that must be accessible from the Gatekeeper.
The Uni-Fy system is able to support two authentication procedures:
In case of incorrect user credentials, either ACTIVE either PASSIVE SIP servers must
act in the usual manner, responding the user with the adeguate message error.
Any SIP authentication server must interface itself with some authentication
data, such as a RADIUS or LDAP service, a MySQL database, internal tables or any.
Moreover, it is also strongly recommended paying attention when marking SIP servers
as Active or Passive: a server working in ACTIVE mode (in the sense explained above) but marked as
PASSIVE will lead to unpredictable results.
An example of working configurations (both PASSIVE and ACTIVE) for SER SIP
server is present in the SER directory. More information about how to
configure the server as PASSIVE or ACTIVE can be found in the SER\README
From the base directory, the programs can be launched with the following commands:
GateKeeper/gatekeeper parameters/[gatekeeper config file].gk
Gateway/gateway parameters/[gateway config file].gw
It is important to start the Gatekeeper program before the Gateway. Both programs output a log, either to the standard output
or to the specified log file, according to the specified run mode. Events such as DHCP offers and acknowledgments, authorizations
and revocations are recorded in the log by the Gatekeeper. When authorization to a client is revoked, the Gatekeeper logs
the traffic generated by that client during that session.
To ease program restart, the bash shell script "restart.sh" is provided in the main directory to
be configured (CONFIGBASENAME variable). When launched, it will stop any gateway or gatekeeper program instance
and launch the programs in the correct order. If the previous program termination left any dangling TCP socket,
the script will repeatedly attempt to restart the program until socket timeouts free the required resources.
In order to ensure higher availability, the shell script "check_if_running" is provided;
modify its parameters according to the installation and make cron invoke it
periodically by adding a line to the root's crontab (command "crontab -e")
such as
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /root/bin/check_if_running
Uni-Fy Evolution
Uni-Fy is now a reasonably mature management environment for
WLANs. It has been in use in our faculty for several months,
managing an ESS of roughly 15 APs. Regular users are in the hundreds
and connections per-day are on a stable rise peaking to
several hundreds.
It has also been used for the management of
WLANs for conferences and events, as well as in the Alpikom test-bed in Trento
(see [5]) for additional details.
At the same time, it is still in its very infancy, since the potentialities
of its use and its possible expansions have been barely explored.
Uni-Fy development will be pursued by the Computer Networks and Mobility
group at the University of Trento for several years to come, since it
has been conceived as a tool to enable and foster research.
Within this mains scope it will remain an open source, free software, although
commercial spin-offs cannot be excluded a-priory.
- 1
- Uni-Fy: Code Overview and Product Manual (Version 1.2)
specifications.pdf related to Version UniFy-20070727.
- 2
- The NoCatNet -- http://nocat.net
- 3
- M.Hedenfalk,
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- R.Battiti, R.Lo Cigno, M.Sabel,
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"Wireless LANs: From WarChalking to Open Access Networks,"
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- 5
- A snapshot of the WILMA Open Lab