![[Italian]](images/uk.gif) |
|  | Publications |
Simulation |
Dzmitry Kliazovich, Fabrizio Granelli, Daniele Miorandi, "Logarithmic Window Increase for TCP Westwood+ for Improvement in High Speed, Long Distance Networks", Computer Networks, 2008, Springer, Pages TBD-TBD
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2008.04.018
TCP large BDP networks
Dzmitry Kliazovich, Fabrizio Granelli, "Packet Concatenation at the IP Level for Performance Enhancement in Wireless Local Area Networks", ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET), 2007, Springer
Renato Lo Cigno, Luigi Palopoli, A. Colombo, "Analysis of Different Scheduling Strategies in 802.11e Networks with Multi-Class Traffic", IEEE conference on local computer networks (LCN 2007 ), Dublin, Ireland, 15/18/10/2007, 2007, Proceedings of Local Computer Network Conference (LCN2007), IEEE
Elio Salvadori, Renato Lo Cigno, Zoltan Zsoka, "Dynamic Grooming in IP over Optical Networks Based on the Overlay Architecture", optical switching and networking, 2006, IEEE, Vol. 3, Pages 118-133
Paolo Larcheri, Renato Lo Cigno, "Scheduling in 802.11e: Open-Loop or Closed-Loop?", Third Annual Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2006), Les Menuires, France, 18th -20th January, 2006, 2006, IEEE WONS 2006, IEEE
The paper was awarded the Best Paper Award
Deepak Agrawal, Nelson L.s. Da Fonseca, Fabrizio Granelli, "Integrated ARM/AQM Mechanisms Based on PID Controllers", IEEE International Conference on Communication, Seoul, Korea, May 16-20, 2005, IEEE Communications Society
DOI 10.1109/ICC.2005.1494311
Renato Lo Cigno, Elio Salvadori, Zoltan Zsoka, "Elastic Traffic Effects on WDM Dynamic Grooming Algorithms", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), Dallas , Tx., USA, November 29 - December 03 2004, 2004, Springer
Claudio Casetti, Gianluca Mardente, Marco Mellia, Maurizio Munafo`, Renato Lo Cigno, "On-line routing optimization for MPLS-based IP networks", High performance switching and routing (HPSR'03), Torino, 25-27 June 2003, 2003, Springer, Pages 215-220
Claudio Casetti, Renato Lo Cigno, Marco Mellia, Maurizio Munafo`, Zoltan Zsoka, "A New Class of QoS routing strategies based on network graph reduction", Computer Networks, 2003, Springer, Vol. 41, Pages 475-487
Luigi Palopoli, Luca Abeni, Giuseppe Lipari, Gabriele Bolognini, Gerardo Lamastra, Paolo Ancilotti, "An object oriented tool for simulating real-time distributed control systems", Software Practice and Experience, 2002, Springer, Pages 907-932
Claudio Casetti, Renato Lo Cigno, Marco Mellia, Maurizio Munafo`, Zoltan Zsoka, "A New Class of QoS Routing Strategies Based on Network Graph Reduction", IEEE Infocom 2002, New York, NY, USA, June 23-27 2002, 2002, Kluwer
Claudio Casetti, Renato Lo Cigno, Marco Mellia, "Load-Balancing Solutions for Static Routing Schemes in ATM Networks", Computer Networks, 2000, IEEE, Vol. 34, Pages 169-180
Routing, Load-Balancing, ATM Networks
Renato Lo Cigno, Mario Gerla, "Modeling Window Based Congestion Control Protocols with Many Flows", Performance evaluation : an international journal, 1999, Kluwer, Vol. 36, Pages 289-306
Marco Ajmone Marsan, A. Bianco, Claudio Casetti, C.f. Chiasserini, A. Francini, Renato Lo Cigno, Maurizio Munafo`, "An Integrated Simulation Environment for the Analysis of ATM Networks at Multiple Time Scales", Computer Networks, 1998, Kluwer, Vol. 29, Pages 2165-2185