![[Italian]](images/uk.gif) |
|  | Publications |
Experimental |
Dzmitry Kliazovich, Fabrizio Granelli, Daniele Miorandi, "Logarithmic Window Increase for TCP Westwood+ for Improvement in High Speed, Long Distance Networks", Computer Networks, 2008, Springer, Pages TBD-TBD
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2008.04.018
TCP large BDP networks
Roberto Riggio, Daniele Miorandi, Francesco De Pellegrini, Fabrizio Granelli, Imrich Chlamtac, "A traffic aggregation and differentiation scheme for enhanced QoS in IEEE 802.11-based Wireless Mesh Networks", Computer Communications, 2008, Idea Group Inc, Pages -------
networks wireless mesh networks
Dzmitry Kliazovich, Fabrizio Granelli, "Packet Concatenation at the IP Level for Performance Enhancement in Wireless Local Area Networks", ACM/Springer Wireless Networks (WINET), 2007, Springer
Marco Mellia, Renato Lo Cigno, Fabio Neri, "Measuring IP and TCP behavior on edge nodes with Tstat", Computer Networks, 2005, IEEE computer society, Vol. 47, Pages 1-21
Marco Mellia, Andrea Carpani, Renato Lo Cigno, "TStat: TCP statistic and analisys tool", 2nd international workshop quality of service in multiservice IP networks (QoSIP2003), Milano, 24-26 February 2003, 2003, Springer, Pages 145-157
Lecture notes in computer science; 2601, ISBN 3-540-00604-4
Marco Mellia, Andrea Carpani, Renato Lo Cigno, "Measuring IP and TCP behavior on a Edge Node", IEEE Globecom 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, November 17-21 2002, 2002, Kluwer