![[Italian]](images/uk.gif) |
|  | Publications |
2003 |
Luigi Palopoli, Luca Abeni, Giuseppe Lipari, "On the applications of hybrid control to CPU Reservations", Hybrid Systems: computation and Control (HSCC03), Prague, 2003, 2003, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Springer
Marco Mellia, Andrea Carpani, Renato Lo Cigno, "TStat: TCP statistic and analisys tool", 2nd international workshop quality of service in multiservice IP networks (QoSIP2003), Milano, 24-26 February 2003, 2003, Springer, Page 145-157
Lecture notes in computer science; 2601, ISBN 3-540-00604-4
Claudio Casetti, Gianluca Mardente, Marco Mellia, Maurizio Munafo`, Renato Lo Cigno, "On-line routing optimization for MPLS-based IP networks", High performance switching and routing (HPSR'03), Torino, 25-27 June 2003, 2003, Springer, Page 215-220
Claudio Casetti, Renato Lo Cigno, Marco Mellia, Maurizio Munafo`, Zoltan Zsoka, "A New Class of QoS routing strategies based on network graph reduction", Computer Networks, 2003, Springer, Vol. 41, Page 475-487